July 21, 2014



and in related things:

It is exhausting to exist in both reality and an alternate universe where making things is real and you feel impassioned to work on making possible into actual

Occasionally I will vent about my life and career choice and before I can finish the sentence I end it with- And I am lucky and I know it.

add rainbows and little fairies with glitter wings.

But sometimes I want to leave the happy closing remark off and be mad for a second that I wasnt in love with accounting or wildly attracted to computer programming. 

because those things have health insurance and paid vacation. 


I am not naive. 

I am not clueless.

I am not irresponsible. 

I am not silly. 

I am not rebellious.
actually yes. Yes I am rebellious. 

Damn my freshman year drawing professor for realizing that. declaring it.
and making me feel like I was sort of awesome because it was somehow working for me. 

and . 


it can be hard being a rebel. 

because even we like a little comfort and stability. 
but .... crap. we are stubborn. 

our hearts trump a lot of everything else.


and by damn him (my professor) I mean. thank you for my cape.
Ive needed it.

July 16, 2014

Ive never had another heart.

I saw a bird genuinely using a birdbath. 

to cool off.

It was a robin and he was enjoying it. 

You would have thought I saw a unicorn. 

I got pretty excited about it.

It doesn't take much. 


I live on the edge. 


and you too can build a little house out here. but you need to wear a life jacket if you are on the dock. even if you are over 12. 


July 3, 2014

rabbit to my right. weird circus creature to my left. Perfect.


you know in tag when you run to a certain part of the playground, grab a piece of the swing set and yell 


I am doing that. 

I am doing that. in my life. 

right now. 


Artwork in this post- 
paint on wooden block
11" x 14" 
email if interested

i love music. almost more than everything.