With everything going on, I am at that place again where there is less sleep and random important things that arise.
Like cleaning the one corner of the room I have been wanting to reorganize. You know. That sort of thing becomes a priority when there is a quiz due and a work deadline.
Or once I HAD to make cupcakes with small footballs on them.
Sometimes time passes and then I think parts of everything are getting done but my to do list still looks like confetti.
a bad thing?
except I am slightly crazy lately.
and also
and also
some things on my to do list are amazingly wild and let's be honest- often ridiculous.
one being:
keep up with happenings here
one being:
JUNE 5. LIVE ART is back.
why don't you come this time?
it's probably the best one.
I say that each time BECAUSE IT IS TRUE.
re my sanity this week
My new laptop leapt out of my backpack in rebellion.
I think it is ok... I hope so.