I sew better on the floor.
Most of the time.
At night.
and in Christmas pajamas apparently.
Just finished another puppet.
Blue girl.
She is in a show that opens. SOON.
She is going to drive up to NY with me.
Well. check her out.
Do you ever feel like you don't belong?
Of course I do. I'm a puppet. And I'm blue. I'm blue but I'm not bitter.
Someone has been riding around with me recently because he too is in the show. And, has to leave my studio and get ready to hit the road again.
It seriously makes sense to buckle him in. Otherwise he flies across the seat and gets ruined.
BUT. I will be honest.
I forget he is in there EVERY time I walk away from my truck.
I know this because of what happens when I walk back. Even if I have only been away for a matter of seconds. I have completely forgotten about him.
And my heart drops when I approach my truck in a parking lot and see a silhouette in the back seat through the tinted windows.
EVERY time.
I mean WHAT WOULD YOOUUU do if you were changing lanes and checked your mirror and
yep. I have a heart attack every time.
Did I mention that the blue girl and the yellow boy have a baby?
They do.
And the baby has little green knees.
You have to see the show.
time out.
I need to remind myself what is outside my window.
Sometimes it's ok to stop what you are doing to stare.
It's more important than anything really.
Old Kent Road Theater's
"Man [sic] is by nature a political animal.”
The Old Kent Road Theater’s Emancipatory Politics: A Romantic Tragedy (EP: ART) flings a large ensemble into a traumatic struggle to create an opening for sprawling thought and intimate embraces. Committed to the comedy of desire, the physicality of loss, and the potential for new spaces, this hyper-theater, contemporary ecstasy searches for the inextinguishable kernel of the radical-possible!
It is big-crazy. And in the East Village. And we will have beer & wine there.
More information at www.incubatorarts.org andwww.oldkentroadtheater.com.
Featuring Becky Byers, Anne Carlisle, Tyler Foltz, Charlie Hewson*, Beowulf Jones, Gavin Starr Kendall, Jesse Liebman, Megan McGowan, Iracel Rivero, Heather Lee Rogers, Joey Ryan, Alexis Sottile, Victoria Tate, Hollis Witherspoon, and Morgan Anne Zipf.
*Appears courtesy of AEA.
Art Design by Abernathy Bland
Light Design by Morgan Anne Zipf
Text by Eric Bland
Direction by Eric Bland and the OKRT Ensemble
8 Performance Dates:
Thu 12/2, Fri 12/3, Sat 12/4, Sun 12/5, Tue 12/7, Thu 12/9, Fri 12/10, Sat 12/11
All shows at 8pm.
Tix: $18 General / $14 Student
Buy here: https://www.ovationtix.com/trs/pr/764155
Meanwhile, some dude is going off the deep end.
And I have to wait for him to doggy paddle to the side ladder before I can jump.