April 11, 2011

something stole my dinner.

seriously. there were 2 tacos there. Then I went inside. and when I came back out... 

this was the scene.

This is not a set up. I took a picture because I wanted to document the clever creature that did this. 

My favorite part is the trail. as the taco fell apart during the getaway. 

So, I made another taco. 

AND ate this one even though whatever it was may have touched the rest of the plate.  

Some decisions are easy.


and completely unrelated, (muddy transitions are apparently my thing.)

I want to post a preview of my favorite new idea. 

I cant wait to see what he can do, but right now, I just want to introduce him. 

This is what fits into my life. 

When I notice my everyday is slightly unusual, I try and catch it on film. 

And, the nervous excitement I get when these projects come to life is an affirmation in my heart that I am doing the right thing. 

things can seem so out of control. but then BAM. 

It really is thrilling.


This is a dear little guy. with lots of personality.

Wait until he gets warmed up.

Check this...


and he is just learning.


and starting to gain some confidence. 

and starting to act up
which Im not opposed to.

and show off.

So excited about what he is going to do next. 


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i love music. almost more than everything.